Why want my embroidery files download on my computer

Why want my embroidery files download on my computer

why want my embroidery files download on my computer

If you do not want to download the designs right away, you can return at a more convenient time on any computer and download your designs. I have windows 10, i download embroidery designs, you have to pick a it doesnt work on windows 10, I used to use my old computer. When you order embroidery designs online or on CD, you have the option of If you really want me to walk you through using embroidery designs on Windows 7, For basic use of downloaded designs and zip files, I suggest Convert it, Mac. why want my embroidery files download on my computer

Hi, Diana,

Thank you for reaching out to www.cronistalascolonias.com.ar with your question. Please find below my signature some instructions that I hope will be helpful to you. Please let me know if you have any further questions and have a wonderful day!

~Leah L.

Download Instructions (entire order):

1) Login at www.cronistalascolonias.com.ar
2) Go to "My designs" under your name on our home page.
3) Click on one of the designs you would like to receive, and you will see the option to download one of its formats.
4) To download all of the designs in one zip file click "view or download all items in order"
5) This will give you the order www.cronistalascolonias.com.ar Click on that.
6) Next choose the machine embroidery format you would like to have for the order.
7) This will create the zip file for you, and you can then click on the "Download Zip File" icon which appears.
8) After you do that, the image "delivering zip file" will appear. Now you just need to check your downloads folder, and there will be your zip file of embroidery designs.
9) You will then right click on the file to find your "extract" or "unzip" option.
10) This last step will look a little different on your computer, depending on which unzipping software is normally used, but just look for the word "extract", and you will find what you need.

Download Instructions (single files):

1) Login at www.cronistalascolonias.com.ar
2) Hover over "Hello [Your Name] (Account)" at the top of the page.
3) Click on "My Designs."
4) Click on the design you want to download.
5) Click on "Details/Download." You will see a list of files in various formats.
6) Right click on the file in your format and choose "Save Link As" or "Save Target As". Select your Flash Drive/USB Stick (or other location you'd like to save to) from the list. Click "Save." (If you're on a Mac, do this instead: click on the file in your format and then choose "save" or "okay" if prompted; otherwise, your file will automatically save to your computer. You'll need to drag it from your computer and drop it onto your stick/thumb drive.)
7) Repeat for any additional designs.

Источник: www.cronistalascolonias.com.ar

Why want my embroidery files download on my computer

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