How to download wordpress plugin from pc

How to download wordpress plugin from pc

how to download wordpress plugin from pc

WordPress will now upload the plugin file from your computer and install it for you​. You will see a success message like this after the installation. Installing WordPress plugins might seem trivial to some, but we want This will download the version of the plugin to your computer. You can see Download link below each plugin name on plugins page. Click on any of them and that plugin's zip will be; downloaded to your.

How to download wordpress plugin from pc - apologise, but

Install WordPress Plugins via SSH

We show you the 4 simple steps to installing and activating WordPress plugins via SSH below.

For the other ways to install WordPress plugins, see our Install WordPress Plugins post.

Step 1: Connect via SSH

In order to connect to your WordPress site&#;s server via SSH, a hosting provider may give you an SSH key or a password. You will also be provided with a hostname and an SSH username.

To connect with an SSH key, open up Terminal on a mac or download PuTTY on a PC and open up PuTTY. Then, enter the following command into the command line:

To connect with an SSH password, use the following command:

In this second case, you will be prompted to enter in your SSH password. Congrats, you are now connected to your WordPress site&#;s server!

Step 2: Ensure WP-CLI is Installed on your Server

In order to proceed with installing and activating WordPress plugins via the SSH, you need to ensure that WP-CLI is installed on your server. To do this, navigate to the directory where your WordPress file is (use cd commands) and run the following command in PuTTY or Terminal:

If WP CLI exists on the server, `wp help` will provide you with information on WP CLI including a list of commands available on your server, that may look like the following:

As you can see, the list of commands includes any extensions that were added to the base WP CLI package. And, as long as you can see the plugin command in the list above, you&#;re good to proceed.

Step 3: Install WordPress Plugin

Installing a plugin via SSH with WP CLI is super simple if your plugin exists in the WordPress plugin directory. All you have to do in that case is find the plugin slug associated with the WordPress plugin. The plugin slug is what appears after  in the WordPress plugin directory. Then, run the following command:

For example, if you would like to install the wpmerchant plugin (a Stripe plugin for WordPress that allows you to add a payment form or payment button to your WordPress site), go to its WordPress plugin directory page and see that it&#;s at, so the slug is wpmerchant, and you would simply use the following command:

You should receive a response in the command line confirming that the plugin was installed.

If the plugin that you wish to install doesn&#;t exist in the WordPress plugin directory, that&#;s no problem, you can install a plugin .zip file from any external source. For example, if you built a custom plugin called Crazy Awesome Functionality and the .zip file of that plugin is located at, you would use the following command:

Step 4: Activate WordPress Plugin

You need to activate a WordPress plugin in order for the functionality of that plugin to actually work on your WordPress site. And, activating a WordPress plugin only works if it has already been installed on your server. Activating a WordPress plugin via SSH with WP CLI is just as easy as the installation process. You simply navigate via the command line to the directory that holds your file and run the following command to activate a plugin:

For example, if you would like to activate the wpmerchant plugin on your server, you would run the following WP-CLI command:

If you would like to activate the Crazy Awesome Functionality plugin from above you would need to get the plugin&#;s slug from the actual code of the plugin (typically a file called or The plugin slug is usually the plugin name separated by hyphens. Once you have the plugin slug from your custom plugin, you need to run the following command:

You will receive a message back from the command line saying that the plugin has been activated successfully.

how to download wordpress plugin from pc

How to download wordpress plugin from pc

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