Gurps monsters rpg pdf download

Gurps monsters rpg pdf download

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GURPS Horror

 Title   Publisher   Price  
It's back . . . and the fear has grown! GURPS Horror, Fourth Edition, is the latest incarnation of one of the most popular GURPS supplements ever . . . and now it's been given a new lease on unnatural life by horror master Kenneth Hite. Its time-tested advice on running scary campaigns has been expanded to include current trends and tropes,   [click here for more]Steve Jackson Games $

The year is The place is the American West . . . but haunted by the forces of darkness. Undead gunslingers . . . hostile Indian spirits . . . strange cults . . . and, worst of all, the sinister Reckoners. The Civil War drags on, while federal agents and Texas Rangers struggle to deal with eldritch menaces while hiding the awful truth from the public Back East. Deadlands, from   [click here for more]Steve Jackson Games $

A Cast of Thousands Are you tired of shuffling through reams of loose paper and scribbled notes? Do you just make up names and statistics for NPCs off the top of your head? Are your players getting tired of meeting the same characters in every adventure? Well, no more! GURPS Supporting Cast is the definitive collection of non-player characters for any roleplaying campaign   [click here for more]Steve Jackson Games $

A pirate said to Alexander the Great, "Because I have only one ship, I am called a pirate. Because you have a great navy, you are called an Emperor." Villains. Where would the heroes be without them? Probably unemployed. The hero may be the star of his story, but it takes a prize villain to bring out the best in him! GURPS Villains is a compilation of dastardly foes from   [click here for more]Steve Jackson Games $

From Russia, With Blood Enter a land of white snow, red blood and black humor. Explore the of Russian folklore and fairy tales, where all of interesting - and often chillingly malevolent - creatures dwell. Visit the many seats of Russian power, where a slip of the tongue won't lose an emissary his head - for that would be far, far too painless. Within, you'll find the history, folklore, and daily   [click here for more]Steve Jackson Games $

The Extraterrestrial Zoo In the outer reaches of the galaxy, life can take weird forms indeed. The GURPS Space Bestiary presents over extraterrestrial creatures for the science fiction roleplaying campaign. In addition to strange and dangerous variations on earthly animals, this book contains examples of silicon life, crystalline creatures, energy and liquid beings,   [click here for more]Steve Jackson Games $

Rule the animal kingdom with GURPS Bestiary! This edition of the popular supplement includes many of the popular creatures from prior editions, as well as dozens of new beasts. There is an expanded section on using animals as PCs, with templates (and rules for making new ones) and sample animal characters. GURPS Bestiary also includes animal folklore   [click here for more]Steve Jackson Games $

Look out, pardner! Varmints has dozens of new monsters ready to make your trail ride a trip through Hell! Featuring conversions of all the nastiest fiends and beasties from the original Deadlands game, as well as all-new critters with both GURPS and Deadlands stats, Varmints will give your posse nightmares for a long, long time    [click here for more]Steve Jackson Games $

You're Dead, So Now What? Get GURPS Undead, the complete "book of the dead" for GURPS!Undead covers everything from subtle hauntings to undead necromancers, from Gothic vampires to the brain-eating zombies of the B-movies. Inside you'll find a history of the undead, guidelines for creating your own undead (including   [click here for more]Steve Jackson Games $

Jim Wright high-tails it out of Denver, one step ahead of his would-be killers, on a journey that takes him from a fancy riverboat on the Mississippi to the dingy warehouses and opulent mansions of New Orleans. Now Wright has to figure out who wants to kill him, and why, and what a New Orleans gambler has to do with his murdered partner back in the Disputed Lands . . . Aces and Eights   [click here for more]Steve Jackson Games $

Meet the Little General From his beginnings as a Corsican soldier, through his rise to power as the Emperor of France, to his final defeat at Waterloo, Napoleon Bonaparte built an empire . . . and a legend. Napoleon was that rarest of men – one whose life defined the age in which he lived. Now that age comes alive for your roleplaying game. GURPS Age of Napoleon is   [click here for more]Steve Jackson Games $

Tyrant Kings! Giganotosaurus, the largest carnivore ever to walk the Earth . . . Packs of Deinonychus, the "terrible claws" . . . Triceratops, armed with shield and spears . . . ton Brachiosaurus, tall as a four-story building . . . Ankylosaurus, the living tank . . . the fearsome Tyrannosaurus rex . . . cunning Troodons . . . the deadly   [click here for more]Steve Jackson Games $

Undead, Infected, or Just Plain Cursed? So . . . you think you know zombies. Are you sure? You want to be certain about something like chopping off an arm after a crazy person gets bitey, and it would be most unfortunate if you were looking out for the walking dead when a little kid with a fever lunged for your brains. If only there were a guide to all this stuff! GURPS   [click here for more]Steve Jackson Games $

Creatures of Fantasy This extensively researched book, based on authentic folklore and legends from all over the world, is a perfect resource for the GM of any fantasy campaign. It includes more than fantasy animals and plants, ranging from interesting nuisances to monstrous menaces. Each is covered in detail, with a physical description, likes and dislikes, attitude toward mankind, and means   [click here for more]Steve Jackson Games $

The creatures of myth are real. The vampires, the warlocks, the shape-changers and dopplegangers, the ghosts and trolls, and more. They're real . . . they're here today . . . and they're organized. The Cabal is the conspiracy, trade union, and mutual-assistance society that lets all these creatures survive in a world of hostile humans. If a demon needs a lawyer to keep the exorcists off   [click here for more]Steve Jackson Games $

Can You Handle The Truth? History is a lie. The truth is that the godlike Anunnakku enslaved mankind, co-opted language to program us, and established the superhuman šedu as our overseers. And that would have been The End if reality-warping disaster hadn't overturned everything in A.D., leaving the true past forgotten but not gone, shoved from human memory by a collective delusion   [click here for more]Steve Jackson Games $

They lie, steal, kidnap, maim, and kill – and we put them in our children's nurseries. They are the Fair Folk . . . the Little People . . . the Faeries. You may think they only appear in tales, but they are everywhere: in the shadows, behind the trees, beneath the hills – and yes, even under the bed. They have lived beside us since the very beginning. Some are pretty and delicate, with   [click here for more]Steve Jackson Games $

Sean Bailey was a mean ol' cuss . . . and that was before a ghost rock mine caved in on him. Now he's out to get even with the people who killed him off. It's up to bounty hunter Caleb Harling and his friends to stop him before he turns Bailey's End into a ghost town. Wanted: Undead or Alive! is the second in our series of fiction set in the world of GURPS Deadlands. There's   [click here for more]Steve Jackson Games $

All Things Vile and Murderous . . . They chase you, baying, through woods far from home. They lurk in the shadows to grab the unwary. They possess your friends and change them subtly. They smash through your bedroom wall and are on you before you can even scream. But you scream anyway. Some creatures are tragically misunderstood – fearsome in appearance, but basically harmless, or even good   [click here for more]Steve Jackson Games $

Horror has always been one of the most popular GURPS settings, and GURPS Horror is its definitive resource. The Third Edition of this classic sourcebook was revised and updated by Kenneth Hite. It replaces the previous edition historical settings with three brand-new campaign frames designed specifically for horror play. The focus is widened from   [click here for more]Steve Jackson Games $

Terror In The Darkness Huge buildings that eavesdrop on unsuspecting guests. Hideous fish whose songs drive villages insane. Obscene voices whispering madness through the Net. Gruesome gardens full of living human organs. Crystalline creatures floating between our atmosphere and the starry depths of outer space. And things that look like vampires - but aren't . . . This book describes a host of   [click here for more]Steve Jackson Games $

Ever wanted to design a wizard but been boggled by the rules or stumped by creative block? GURPS Wizards is the solution: a complete guide to wizard design. Inside you'll find essays on 28 wizard archetypes, accompanied by templates that let you quickly design complete and efficient characters. The role of each wizard is discussed, along with suggestions for integrating it   [click here for more]Steve Jackson Games $

Gaming After Death The creatures of the Other World are all around us. Some were once alive. Some were created by human imagination. And some are completely inhuman but thirst for our souls. GURPS Spirits is a complete guide to the spirit realm and its inhabitants. It includes a catalog of spirits from around the world: angels, demons, djinn, dryads, ghosts, loas, manitou,   [click here for more]Steve Jackson Games $

The Greys. Vampires. Evil Psis. Better Bring a Spare Clip. Wrestle enraged gargoyles on rain-slick ledges high over dark city streets! Endure the raw psychic fury of the dreaded soul dog! Above all, watch out for the insidious Greys, as they kidnap human women and steer the destiny of entire nations! Our only defense against these terrifying foes is the Company, which takes conspiracy from theory   [click here for more]Steve Jackson Games $


Gurps monsters rpg pdf download

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