Python sftp download file permission

Python sftp download file permission

python sftp download file permission

IOError, if you don't have permission or the file doesn't exist This is a wrapper for paramiko's method and not to be confused with the SFTP command, cwd. Change the mode (permissions) of a file. The permissions are The Python 'b' flag is ignored, since SSH treats all files as binary. The 'U' flag is Setting the window and packet sizes might affect the transfer speed. The default settings in the."/Users/whatever/Downloads/") server ssh linux with chmod ; chmod ssh dir in home dir; change config file uncomment File "/usr/lib/python/site-packages/paramiko/", line python sftp download file permission

Python sftp download file permission - phrase simply


A friendly Python SFTP interface.

class (host, username=None, private_key=None, password=None, port=22, private_key_pass=None, ciphers=None, log=False

Connects and logs into the specified hostname. Arguments that are not given are guessed from the environment.

  • host (str) &#; The Hostname or IP of the remote machine.
  • username (str|None) &#; Default: None - Your username at the remote machine.
  • private_key (str|obj|None) &#; Default: None - path to private key file(str) or
  • password (str|None) &#; Default: None - Your password at the remote machine.
  • port (int) &#; Default: 22 - The SSH port of the remote machine.
  • private_key_pass (str|None) &#; Default: None - password to use, if private_key is encrypted.
  • ciphers (list|None) &#; Default: None - List of ciphers to use in order.
  • log (bool|str) &#; Default: False - log connection/handshake details? If set to True, pysftp creates a temporary file and logs to that. If set to a valid path and filename, pysftp logs to that. The name of the logfile can be found at

(obj) connection to the requested host

  • ConnectionException &#;
  • CredentialException &#;
  • SSHException &#;
  • AuthenticationException &#;
  • PasswordRequiredException &#;

Get tuple of currently used local and remote ciphers.

Returns:(tuple of str) currently used ciphers (local_cipher, remote_cipher)

context manager that can change to a optionally specified remote directory and restores the old pwd on exit.

Parameters:remotepath (str|None) &#; Default: None - remotepath to temporarily make the current directory
Raises:IOError, if remote path doesn&#;t exist

change the current working directory on the remote

Parameters:remotepath (str) &#; the remote path to change to
Raises:IOError, if path does not exist
(remotepath, mode=

set the mode of a remotepath to mode, where mode is an integer representation of the octal mode to use.

  • remotepath (str) &#; the remote path/file to modify
  • mode (int) &#; Default: - int representation of octal mode for directory



IOError, if the file doesn&#;t exist

(remotepath, uid=None, gid=None

set uid and/or gid on a remotepath, you may specify either or both. Unless you have permission to do this on the remote server, you will raise an IOError: 13 - permission denied

  • remotepath (str) &#; the remote path/file to modify
  • uid (int) &#; the user id to set on the remotepath
  • gid (int) &#; the group id to set on the remotepath



IOError, if you don&#;t have permission or the file doesn&#;t exist


Closes the connection and cleans up.


change the current working directory on the remote

Parameters:remotepath (str) &#; the remote path to change to
Raises:IOError, if path does not exist

Execute the given commands on a remote machine. The command is executed without regard to the remote .

Parameters:command (str) &#; the command to execute.
Returns:(list of str) representing the results of the command
Raises:Any exception raised by command will be passed through.

Test whether a remotepath exists.

Parameters:remotepath (str) &#; the remote path to verify
Returns:(bool) True, if remotepath exists, else False
(remotepath, localpath=None, callback=None, preserve_mtime=False

Copies a file between the remote host and the local host.

  • remotepath (str) &#; the remote path and filename, source
  • localpath (str) &#; the local path and filename to copy, destination. If not specified, file is copied to local current working directory
  • callback (callable) &#; optional callback function (form: ) that accepts the bytes transferred so far and the total bytes to be transferred.
  • preserve_mtime (bool) &#; Default: False - make the modification time(st_mtime) on the local file match the time on the remote. (st_atime can differ because stat&#;ing the localfile can/does update it&#;s st_atime)




(remotedir, localdir, preserve_mtime=False

get the contents of remotedir and write to locadir. (non-recursive)

  • remotedir (str) &#; the remote directory to copy from (source)
  • localdir (str) &#; the local directory to copy to (target)
  • preserve_mtime (bool) &#; Default: False - preserve modification time on files


(remotedir, localdir, preserve_mtime=False

recursively copy remotedir structure to localdir

  • remotedir (str) &#; the remote directory to copy from
  • localdir (str) &#; the local directory to copy to
  • preserve_mtime (bool) &#; Default: False - preserve modification time on files



return the current working directory on the remote. This is a wrapper for paramiko&#;s method and not to be confused with the SFTP command, cwd.

Returns:(str) the current remote path. None, if not set.
(remotepath, flo, callback=None

Copy a remote file (remotepath) to a file-like object, flo.

  • remotepath (str) &#; the remote path and filename, source
  • flo &#; open file like object to write, destination.
  • callback (callable) &#; optional callback function (form: )) that accepts the bytes transferred so far and the total bytes to be transferred.

(int) the number of bytes written to the opened file object


Any exception raised by operations will be passed through.


return true, if remotepath is a directory

Parameters:remotepath (str) &#; the path to test

return true if remotepath is a file

Parameters:remotepath (str) &#; the path to test

Test whether a remotepath exists. Returns True for broken symbolic links

Parameters:remotepath (str) &#; the remote path to verify
Returns:(bool), True, if lexists, else False

return a list of files/directories for the given remote path. Unlike, paramiko, the directory listing is sorted.

Parameters:remotepath (str) &#; path to list on the server
Returns:(list of str) directory entries, sorted

return a list of SFTPAttribute objects of the files/directories for the given remote path. The list is in arbitrary order. It does not include the special entries &#;.&#; and &#;..&#;.

The returned SFTPAttributes objects will each have an additional field: longname, which may contain a formatted string of the file&#;s attributes, in unix format. The content of this string will depend on the SFTP server.

Parameters:remotepath (str) &#; path to list on the server
Returns:(list of SFTPAttributes), sorted

return the name of the file used for logging or False it not logging

Returns:(str)logfile or (bool) False

return information about file/directory for the given remote path, without following symbolic links. Otherwise, the same as .stat()

Parameters:remotepath (str) &#; path to stat
Returns:(obj) SFTPAttributes object
(remotedir, mode=

create all directories in remotedir as needed, setting their mode to mode, if created.

If remotedir already exists, silently complete. If a regular file is in the way, raise an exception.

  • remotedir (str) &#; the directory structure to create
  • mode (int) &#; Default: - int representation of octal mode for directory




(remotepath, mode=

Create a directory named remotepath with mode. On some systems, mode is ignored. Where it is used, the current umask value is first masked out.

  • remotepath (str) &#; directory to create`
  • mode (int) &#; Default: - int representation of octal mode for directory



Return the expanded path, w.r.t the server, of a given path. This can be used to resolve symlinks or determine what the server believes to be the , by passing &#;.&#; as remotepath.

Parameters:remotepath (str) &#; path to be normalized
Returns:(str) normalized form of the given path
Raises:IOError, if remotepath can&#;t be resolved
(remote_file, mode='r', bufsize=-1

Open a file on the remote server.

See for details.

  • remote_file (str) &#; name of the file to open.
  • mode (str) &#; mode (Python-style) to open file (always assumed binary)
  • bufsize (int) &#; Default: -1 - desired buffering

(obj) SFTPFile, a handle the remote open file


IOError, if the file could not be opened.

(localpath, remotepath=None, callback=None, confirm=True, preserve_mtime=False

Copies a file between the local host and the remote host.

  • localpath (str) &#; the local path and filename
  • remotepath (str) &#; the remote path, else the remote and filename is used.
  • callback (callable) &#; optional callback function (form: )) that accepts the bytes transferred so far and the total bytes to be transferred..
  • confirm (bool) &#; whether to do a stat() on the file afterwards to confirm the file size
  • preserve_mtime (bool) &#; Default: False - make the modification time(st_mtime) on the remote file match the time on the local. (st_atime can differ because stat&#;ing the localfile can/does update it&#;s st_atime)

(obj) SFTPAttributes containing attributes about the given file

  • IOError &#; if remotepath doesn&#;t exist
  • OSError &#; if localpath doesn&#;t exist
(localpath, remotepath, confirm=True, preserve_mtime=False

Copies a local directory&#;s contents to a remotepath

  • localpath (str) &#; the local path to copy (source)
  • remotepath (str) &#; the remote path to copy to (target)
  • confirm (bool) &#; whether to do a stat() on the file afterwards to confirm the file size
  • preserve_mtime (bool) &#; Default: False - make the modification time(st_mtime) on the remote file match the time on the local. (st_atime can differ because stat&#;ing the localfile can/does update it&#;s st_atime)


  • IOError &#; if remotepath doesn&#;t exist
  • OSError &#; if localpath doesn&#;t exist
(localpath, remotepath, confirm=True, preserve_mtime=False

Recursively copies a local directory&#;s contents to a remotepath

  • localpath (str) &#; the local path to copy (source)
  • remotepath (str) &#; the remote path to copy to (target)
  • confirm (bool) &#; whether to do a stat() on the file afterwards to confirm the file size
  • preserve_mtime (bool) &#; Default: False - make the modification time(st_mtime) on the remote file match the time on the local. (st_atime can differ because stat&#;ing the localfile can/does update it&#;s st_atime)


  • IOError &#; if remotepath doesn&#;t exist
  • OSError &#; if localpath doesn&#;t exist
(flo, remotepath=None, file_size=0, callback=None, confirm=True

Copies the contents of a file like object to remotepath.

  • flo &#; a file-like object that supports .read()
  • remotepath (str) &#; the remote path.
  • file_size (int) &#; the size of flo, if not given the second param passed to the callback function will always be 0.
  • callback (callable) &#; optional callback function (form: )) that accepts the bytes transferred so far and the total bytes to be transferred..
  • confirm (bool) &#; whether to do a stat() on the file afterwards to confirm the file size

(obj) SFTPAttributes containing attributes about the given file


TypeError, if remotepath not specified, any underlying error

return the current working directory

Returns:(str) current working directory

Return the target of a symlink (shortcut). The result will be an absolute pathname.

Parameters:remotelink (str) &#; remote path of the symlink
Returns:(str) absolute path to target

remove the file @ remotefile, remotefile may include a path, if no path, then is used. This method only works on files

Parameters:remotefile (str) &#; the remote file to delete
(remote_src, remote_dest

rename a file or directory on the remote host.

  • remote_src (str) &#; the remote file/directory to rename
  • remote_dest (str) &#; the remote file/directory to put it





remove remote directory

Parameters:remotepath (str) &#; the remote directory to remove

return the available security options recognized by paramiko.

Returns:(obj) security preferences of the ssh transport. These are tuples of acceptable .ciphers, .digests, .key_types, and key exchange algorithms .kex, listed in order of preference.

give access to the underlying, connected paramiko SFTPClient object


Returns:(obj) the active SFTPClient object

return information about file/directory for the given remote path

Parameters:remotepath (str) &#; path to stat
Returns:(obj) SFTPAttributes
(remote_src, remote_dest

create a symlink for a remote file on the server

  • remote_src (str) &#; path of original file
  • remote_dest (str) &#; path of the created symlink



any underlying error, IOError if something already exists at remote_dest

(float|None) Default: None -
get or set the underlying socket timeout for pending read/write ops.
Returns:(float|None) seconds to wait for a pending read/write operation before raising, or None for no timeout
(remotepath, size

Change the size of the file specified by path. Used to modify the size of the file, just like the truncate method on Python file objects. The new file size is confirmed and returned.

  • remotepath (str) &#; remote file path to modify
  • size (int|long) &#; the new file size

(int) new size of file


IOError, if file does not exist


remove the file @ remotefile, remotefile may include a path, if no path, then is used. This method only works on files

Parameters:remotefile (str) &#; the remote file to delete
(remotepath, fcallback, dcallback, ucallback, recurse=True

recursively descend, depth first, the directory tree rooted at remotepath, calling discreet callback functions for each regular file, directory and unknown file type.

  • remotepath (str) &#; root of remote directory to descend, use &#;.&#; to start at
  • fcallback (callable) &#; callback function to invoke for a regular file. (form: )
  • dcallback (callable) &#; callback function to invoke for a directory. (form: )
  • ucallback (callable) &#; callback function to invoke for an unknown file type. (form: )
  • recurse (bool) &#; Default: True - should it recurse


exception (host, port

Exception raised for connection problems

message &#; explanation of the error
exception (message

Exception raised for credential problems

message &#; explanation of the error

an object to house the callbacks, used internally

  • flist &#; list of files currently traversed
  • dlist &#; list of directories currently traversed
  • ulist &#; list of unknown entities currently traversed

called for directories, appends pathname to .dlist

Parameters:pathname (str) &#; directory path

called for regular files, appends pathname to .flist

Parameters:pathname (str) &#; file path

called for unknown file types, appends pathname to .ulist

Parameters:pathname (str) &#; unknown entity path

context manager that can change to a optionally specified local directory and restores the old pwd on exit.

Parameters:localpath (str|None) &#; Default: None - local path to temporarily make the current directory
Raises:OSError, if local path doesn&#;t exist
(thepath, sep='/'

generator to iterate over a file path forwards

  • thepath (str) &#; the path to navigate forwards
  • sep (str) &#; Default: - the path separator to use

(iter)able of strings

(thepath, sep='/'

generator to iterate over a file path in reverse

  • thepath (str) &#; the path to retreat over
  • sep (str) &#; Default: - the path separator to use

(iter)able of strings

(newparent, oldpath

when copying or moving a directory structure, you need to re-parent the oldpath. When using to calculate this new path, the appearance of a / root path at the beginning of oldpath, supplants the newparent and we don&#;t want this to happen, so we need to make the oldpath root appear as a child of the newparent.

Param:str newparent: the new parent location for oldpath (target)
Parameters:oldpath (str) &#; the path being adopted by newparent (source)
Returns:(str) resulting adoptive path

SFTAttributes st_mode returns an stat type that shows more than what can be set. Trim off those bits and convert to an int representation. if you want an object that was chmod to return a value of , use this function

Parameters:val (int) &#; the value of an st_mode attr returned by SFTPAttributes
Returns int:integer representation of octal mode
(localpath, fcallback, dcallback, ucallback, recurse=True

on the local file system, recursively descend, depth first, the directory tree rooted at localpath, calling discreet callback functions for each regular file, directory and unknown file type.

  • localpath (str) &#; root of remote directory to descend, use &#;.&#; to start at
  • fcallback (callable) &#; callback function to invoke for a regular file. (form: )
  • dcallback (callable) &#; callback function to invoke for a directory. (form: )
  • ucallback (callable) &#; callback function to invoke for an unknown file type. (form: )
  • recurse (bool) &#; Default: True - should it recurse



OSError, if localpath doesn&#;t exist

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Python sftp download file permission

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