Free internet explorer download latest version

Free internet explorer download latest version

free internet explorer download latest version

Download Internet Explorer 9 for Windows now from Softonic: % safe and virus free. More than downloads this month. Download Internet Explorer 9. Download the latest version of Internet Explorer free. Internet Explorer allows you to surf the web in a whole new way, by using a new rendering. On Windows 10, the most recent version of the browser is Internet Explorer The little blue 'e' that you'll see in your taskbar isn't Explorer though, it's Microsoft​.

Update Microsoft Internet Explorer

Stop using Internet Explorer, switch to Edge instead

Microsoft Internet Explorer is an old, out of date web browser. It continues to have security problems and it lacks many features of modern web browsers. Microsoft have stopped releasing new versions of it, and the only remaining version which is supported is version

There is no good reason to keep using Internet Explorer, if you are using Windows, you should switch to Microsoft Edge now. You will be safer and probably find that websites load faster and better too!

A handful of very old websites require you to use Internet Explorer; but that's ok - Edge has an "IE Mode" which will let you choose certain websites to access as if you were using Internet Explorer. But the vast majority of the internet will work wonderfully with Edge, and you'll have the satisfaction and reassurance that you're running a modern web browser which will help keep you safe online.

Internet Explorer 11 is the only supported version

Do you need to know what version of Internet Explorer do I have?

As of January 12, , Microsoft has dropped support for all versions of Internet Explorer other than version Read their announcement.

As our table below shows, the only versions of Windows capable of running Internet Explorer 11 are Windows 7, Windows and Windows 10. If you have any other version of Windows (eg. XP, Vista, Windows 7 you are unable to run a safe, supported version of Internet Explorer and you should take action now.

Switch to Edge! Edge is Microsoft's new web browser and is the future for Microsoft. Internet Explorer is provided just for backwards compatibility, but probably shouldn't be used unless really required.

All other versions of Internet Explorer are obsolete

Any version of Internet Explorer other than version 11 is now obsolete and shouldn't be used. They may have undiscovered security problems, and if any such problems exist, they will now never be fixed, leaving you vulnerable to attack.

If your version of Windows supports it, you could switch to Microsoft's new browser: Edge.

Alternatively, you could use a different web browser altogether: for example: Google's Chrome browser or Mozilla's Firefox browser.

The latest versions of Internet Explorer are:

Windows operating systemLatest version of Internet ExplorerRelease Date
Windows 10*Internet Explorer 11
Windows , Windows RT Internet Explorer 11
Windows 8, Windows RTInternet Explorer 10 - Unsupported
Windows 7Internet Explorer 11 - Unsupported
Windows VistaInternet Explorer 9 - Unsupported
Windows XPInternet Explorer 8 - Unsupported
* Windows 10 also supports Microsoft's new browser Edge. We recommend using Edge instead of Internet Explorer. Internet Explorer is provided on Windows 10 just for backward compatibility for websites which don't work with Edge or other modern browsers.

Downloading Internet Explorer 11 for Windows 7

If you are running Windows or Windows 10 then your computer will already have Internet Explorer 11 installed.

If you are running Windows 7, then you can download Internet Explorer 11 from Microsoft.

Updating Internet Explorer

If you really, really need to download an older version of Internet Explorer, you can get them from Microsoft:

This may let you run the latest version of Internet Explorer on your older computer, even if it's out of date We do not recommend this. It might be time to upgrade your computer!

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Free internet explorer download latest version

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